Prominent Features of Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP software authorizes business management in an organization. It has the benefit of integrating the different operations of a company to the successful running of a business.
ERP comes in different modules to suit the specific needs of the company, irrespective of its size whether small or medium or large-scale industry. The main aim of this software is to integrate all the modules and to provide a centralized and unified repository for all the details that can be shared by all the departments for the quick and smooth functioning of the company.

The Enterprise Resource Planning system is also used for tracking a customer order from the right one when an order comes in the date of delivery. The whole process can be tracked with clarity. ERP process can be standardized the different processes and to accelerate the manufacturing & automated functions. It also improves the productivity of the enterprise.
It is a software package which is developed for optimum use of resources of an enterprise in a planned manner. This software enables the enterprise to increase productivity by decreasing the costs.
Prominent Features of Enterprise Resource Planning:
1. It has a central database shared by all functions of the enterprise.
2. It is the information backbone of the company.
3. The information is transparent and it has automatic and consistent workflow from one department to another.
4. With this one can easily track the inventory, revenue as well as forecasting of sales and related activities.
5. It serves as the central nervous system termed as the digital nervous system of the company.
6. In the manufacturing sector, it was primarily to know about the stock of finished goods and to understand the movement of the material.
The ERP Malaysia is built as an open system architecture that allows the automatic introduction of the latest technologies such as EFT, EDI, internet, intranet, video conferring, eCommerce, etc. it is a good solution for better project management.
1. Reduction in operational costs: to deploy ERP software holds benefits for all three process streams of an organization- strategic planning, production, and management control. An ERP software system lets you maintain detailed inventory records, keep a track of materials a lot and also simplify your Inventory transitions.
2. Rationalize of Day to Day Management: The Enterprise resource planning system rationalizes the process involved in carrying out the day to day tasks of managing the business. It is mainly because of this software facility the creation of backbone data warehousing system.
3. Resource Planning: The resource planning forms an integral module of the strategic planning which is carried out in an organization. These systems are therefore designed to take on the tasks involved in planning resources efficiently and effectively.
